Winding made easy

I have been working on my spindle and part of the process is plying after you create your first threads. Because I dont have a wheel – I was looking for instructions on how to ply via the spindle – found them easy peesy no problem. But this brought up one issue – how to ball up the final product off the spindle.

Knitting aside – hand wind a pull skein
this is a link for those who were not aware to the original article. Blog Designs dont always show link backs clearly 🙂 Please hover your mouse to see the site snapshot! Its a cool little tool !

how to hand wind a pull skein

Hold a generous end of the yarn between two pencils and begin wrapping.

To the non-knitting audience: some yarn is sold pre-wound into a skein that dispenses from the center, corralling the unused portion into a tidy ball. Other yarn comes in hanks or coils and needs to be wound into a ball before use. We don’t want a simple ball because as the yarn unwraps while knitting, the ball tends to spinning away from the knitter (onto the sofa, floor, into the proverbial kitten’s mittens). For about $100, you can buy an apparatus to wind center-pull skeins, but I don’t knit enough to warrant the purchase. So I came up with this easy way to wind a pull-skein by hand. Which I present to the knitting blogosphere with gratitude for the generous sharing of experience found therein. Photographed in my cardboard studio box with the two flash set-up.

how to hand wind a pull skein

Wind yarn along the length of the pencils. Don’t worry about criss-crossing it yet.

how to hand wind a pull skein

Once the height of the ball-in-winding is established, start winding with an up-and-down motion to reinforce the structure of the ball.


how to hand wind a pull skein

The pencils make a convenient handle for rapid hand-winding so I leave them in place until the entire skein is wound.


how to hand wind a pull skein


Free Pattern from Annies

I did not want to loose this one – its so beautiful. I am going to start copying free patterns into my blog as WIP mental notecards to myself. I see so many lovely items I want to start but loose bookmarks after the fact. I remember my grandmother tatting making lace and crocheting these. Being the irish wild woman she was – there was always some soft and lovely on her hooks. I didnt get to sit by her side in my youth. Unfortunately my family is just not that way. Its a sad lost heritage. I would have loved to enjoy any member of my family by learning their history life lessons and skills while picking up a tradition to pass down.

Annies Attic Free pattern of the day May 23
Skill Level
Finished Size 16 1/2″ in diameter

12 dc = 1″
To save time, take time to check gauge.
Pattern Note
Join rnds with a sl st unless otherwise stated.
Pattern Stitch
Picot: Ch 3, sc in same sp.
Doily Center
Rnd 1: Ch 12, join to form a ring, 2 sc in each ch around, join in beg sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in same sp, [ch 3, sk 1 st, 2 dc in next st] rep around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 3: Sl st to ch-3 sp, ch 2 (counts as first hdc), 5 dc, hdc in same sp, [hdc, 5 dc, hdc] in each ch-3 sp around, join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2.
Rnd 4: Working in back lps, sl st to 3rd dc of 5-dc group, [sc, picot in 3rd dc, ch 5] rep in 3rd dc of each 5-dc group around, join in beg sc.
Rnd 5: Sl st to 2nd ch of next lp, ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in same st, [{ch 3, 2 dc in next ch} twice, ch 1, 2 dc in 2nd ch of next lp] rep around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnds 6 & 7: Rep Rnds 3 and 4.
Rnd 8: Sl st to 3rd ch of next ch-5 lp, ch 6 (counts as first dc, ch 3), [ch 7, {dc, ch 3, dc} in 3rd ch of next ch-5 lp, ch 1, {dc, ch 3, dc} in 3rd ch of next ch-5 lp] rep around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-6.
Rnd 9: [Work hdc, 5 dc, hdc in next ch-3 sp, work hdc, 11 dc, hdc in next ch-7 lp, work hdc, 5 dc, hdc in ch-3 sp, sc in ch-1 sp] rep around, join in beg ch-3 sp, fasten off.

Rose Motif
Make 12
Rnd 1: With rose, ch 4, join to form a ring, 8 sc in ring, join in beg sc.
Rnd 2: [Sc, ch 2] in each st around, join in beg sc.
Rnd 3: Work [hdc, 5 dc, hdc] in each ch2 sp around, join in beg ch-2 sp.
Rnd 4: Sc in same sp, [ch 3, sc] between each hdc pair around, join in beg sc.
Rnd 5: Work hdc, 7 dc, hdc in each ch-3 sp around, join in beg ch-3 sp.
Rnd 6: Sc in same sp, [ch 5, sc] between each hdc pair around, join in beg ch-5 sp, fasten off.
Note: Rose motifs are joined to center doily and each other according to Fig. 1 in the following manner:
For first motif, after 5 of the 11 dc in Rnd 7, pull up lp, remove hook, insert hook through 6th dc of large point in doily center, pick up lp of motif and draw through doily center, continue with final 6 dc of this petal, complete Rnd 7.
Join 2nd motif to first motif and doily center in same manner at points 2, 3 and 4. Continue in this manner for all 12 motifs.
Rnd 7: Join ecru in ch-5 lp, work hdc, 11 dc, hdc in each ch-5 sp around, join in beg ch-5 sp, fasten off.

Rnd 1: Join ecru as indicated in Fig. 1, ch 1, sc in same sp, *[ch 5, sk 3 sts, sc in next dc, ch 5, sc in 4th dc of next scallop] 3 times, ch 2, sc in 4th dc of next scallop on next motif, [ch 5, sc in 4th dc of next scallop] rep from * around, join in beg sc.
Rnd 2: Sl st to center of next lp, work [sc, picot, ch 5] in each ch-5 lp around, join in beg sc.

Rnd 3: Sl st to center of next lp, sc in same sp, ch 3, *[dc, ch 3, dc] in center ch of next lp, ch 7, [dc, ch 3, dc] in center of next lp, [ch 3, sc, ch 3] in next lp, [dc, ch 3, dc] in next lp, ch 5, [dc, ch 3, dc] in next lp, [ch 3, sc, ch 3] in next lp, rep from * around, join in beg sc.
Rnd 4: Sc, picot in same sp, *ch 2, sk next ch-3 sp, [hdc, 5 dc, hdc] in next ch-3 sp, [hdc, 11 dc, hdc] in ch-7 sp, [hdc, 5 dc, hdc] in ch-3 sp, [ch 2, sc, picot, ch 2] in next sc, sk ch-3 sp, [hdc, 5 dc, hdc] in next ch-3 sp, [hdc, 7 dc, hdc] in ch-5 sp, [hdc, 5 dc, hdc] in ch-3 sp, [ch 2, sc, picot] in next sc, rep from * around, join in beg sc, fasten off.

Crochet Classes and other finery

I have started the online basic crochet classes over at CraftyDaisies.  I am really excited. I have basic knowledge but am really looking forward to getting a leg up on my skill set and really learn the right way to do this.

I am in the process of working on so many projects and actually was able to get Pixie interested last night in picking up some needles. The needles in question were actually one  of those knitty noddies. I had one when I was little. This I guess from what I can tell makes hats and socks? Going to have to investigate it further but its causing her great delight at night and keeping her off the computer.

Ok minor diversion – Knitty Loom Circle Knit or Knifty Knitter is what they are called. I can make slippers on here ! Er – uhm Pixie can make slippers (snicker) I think we all know who is going to be smacking the lowdown on this loom.

yarn score!!

I was reading craigslist – as I usually do and found someone offloading boxes of yarn!

I am so excited I go tonight to pick it up. I am not sure whats in there for certain, as its really a hodge podge of collected stash from years of crafting. I am hoping that most will be nice enough to turn into some chemo-caps or lap-ghans for local charities here in the immediate area. I am going to do some posting on Craigs – FreeCycle and other yahoo groups and see if there is anyone seeking to donate more yarn for lap-ghans. I scored a copy of book #555 from ebay this week! I have seen on various other sites neat projects to complete in addition to making a quilt. Lap-ghans can easily be converted from this pattern as well as cozy pillows. While I build my stitch technique projects like these are really great for learning fingers ! I even somewhat like the rose cream and sage colors. But we all know me. I am really a vibrant color kinda girl. With this new yarn stash it should be interesting to see what I get for color variations.

My biggest issue to date – I suck at turning. I dont know why – but I really am just horrible at it. Everyones directions are a little different where they want you to slip your hook under. Some say the V’s other say the back loop, most are like not clear at all. Its troubling when I can master all the other stitches – yarn overs – rounds – even filet. Its just that first initial turn off the (CH) that gets me.

Look a crochet term ehehehh @!!! YAY!~

Johnny Cakes and Chardonay!!!

This is a private joke between BigDaddy and I. I just love to say it out loud in the Tech Dept. The reaction I get from my Dev’s is always fantastic. I still have this urge to go streaking in the office one day.
They are all so super uber conservative, in a very good way. Those that are not mask it very well behind a shield of professionalism. I love them all so much. Never had such a great group of peeps to work with. I still miss my StepheePoo like crazy. I need to send her a basket of hooks so I can get her into this addiction as well and we can be swappie partners over the miles. I know shes going to be busy with school and her new life in Chicago, come winter though sista is going to need some warm scarves and mittens!

Johnny Cakes 

  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup hot milk
  • 1 tablespoon shortening


Mix the dry ingredients, then stir in the remaining ingredients. Drop or pour on the hot, greased griddle or drop in iron skillet and fry to golden brown on both sides. Serve with butter and syrup as for pancakes, or serve as a bread with butter.
Serves 4 to 6.  

Polka Dots

  • 1/3 cup shortening
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 1 cup sifted flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 cup corn meal
  • 2/3 cup raisins


Cream shortening with sugar; add egg and milk. Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder; add to creamed mixture. Add cornmeal and raisins, stirring just enough to blend. Fill greased muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake at 425° for 20 to 25 minutes, until golden brown.

Starting Seraphina

I have one of my first official works in progress!!!

I am so EXCITED!!

I had the absolute worst day today the car died – I dropped everything was a complete clutz I am worried about  money and the bills arent paid.. ahh whats new! Poo !

So I come home and start this while watching dancing with the stars. I agonized over each stitch to begin with. Now, its coming easier!!! Its a very pretty faint violet yarn. Not really soft as soft can be, but it will be a lovely wrap for winter. Who knows by then I may be such a little twiddle finger that I try something fancy in angora~
