I love mailed surprises

I love mailed surprises

Originally uploaded by CravnCrochet

Last week as everyone knows I was in the throws of training.
Loved it – loved my instructor. Had a tough time with converting what I was learning into what I will be doing as my instructor was not sure himself.
So I get home…
Theres not only a laptop to use.. theres a gift basket.


Pretty green polka dot wrapped goodness.
I am so thrilled.
The mail will be coming soon and I cant wait heard from my secret pal and shes sent stuff off.


I love getting stuff in the mail !

What I did this weekend:

Friday night was family date night and all of us went to see Nightmare before Christmas 3-D.  There have been a few debates on blogs about it being really 3D. The version I saw – HECK YES. Everything really stands out is sharp crisp and wacky. Certain scenes when things fly towards the *camera* or what would be film percieved audience angle – it really pops off the screen. Example – Sally leaving the Doctor to go help Jack. She lowers a basket out of her window. You the viewer see that basket almost as if it were coming down the screen. Its awesome.
This being my all time favorite movie ever – well I had a blast.

Say me name Matey – arrgggg

My pirate name is: 
Mad Ethel Vane

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You tend to blend into the background occaisionally, but that’s okay, because it’s much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr!  

Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network  

Final Question from Fall Swap

How was your experience in the exchange?
I loved talking to my spoilee – I can not say her name as her package is in route (wink)
Did you enjoy the folks you met?
I only talked to a few and really did. I cant wait for Jan to get to know everyone even better.
Did you just love the cloth and goodies you received?
THEIR HERE !!! I have to post a pic sometime soon for all to see !!! (10-31-07)

Have not recieved yet. I only have spoken to my spoiler twice so I am can’t answer this just yet. Shes adorable and I am sure the goodness will be yummie.
Please share any thoughts, criticism, and things you loved!
Loved meeting new people and friends and wish people would post or email on blogs to get to know each other better.

Exciting things to share

I have been in training for this new job so as mentioned its difficult to get online at night. I usually crash as my mind is marshmallow by 5pm. Plus I then sit in two hours of traffic which is always fun… you know I cant wait to start working from home. Its going to be amazing!
Ravelry – I got my invite! I have been on Rav about two weeks now and really looking forward to exploring it more. I have joined some groups and you can find me there under the name knottypurl of course. What I love thus far is I am building a work in progress – by collecting information patterns stash counts and organizing my data. Its just really a great way to organize my cluttered realm. The connection to local crafters is awesome !

Training – is going really great but super deep in info. My brain feels washed.

 LYS – I was able to finally get to my local yarn store last weekend. Cast on  Cottage in Roswell. It was wonderful  I met all the staff and really was able to get a great feel on what a LYS can be. Its a great store. I wish I had gone alone. My mom went with me and it made for impossible looking.

Training Day

I am in day one and loving it! I wish I had brought the scarf I am working on as its all spoken and visuals : )
Home is great – better boyfriend is back in town.

pda posting

Real Ghosts and Ghoulies

Throughout my life there have been bumps in the night. Faces appearing outside my window or sometimes worse behind me in a mirror. We lived in many towns rich with history and blood shed in my youth. The colonial areas of the eastern US, the tribal areas of the great American south west and cities older than time in Europe.

It wasn’t until I was much older and developed friendships with people more in tune that I realized people can actually attract other forces in this universe. I tend to attract.

When I was about 11 we moved from Virginia out to Arizona. Another move another city new friends. This house was one of the scariest places I think my parents ever lived.  The house was a typical southwest ranch – with the master being up front by the den and the other bedrooms back down a hall off the main living space.
My room was back there. My mom wanted me to take the pretty purple room with awesome tiled floor. I hated that room and instead choose the bright sunny room with the horrendous orange and yellow stained shag carpet.
From the first night things started happening. Noises from nowhere – objects moving – items disappearing. In the hustle of unpacking you do not notice these things as much.
When we became settled and my dad started traveling things appeared normal – quiet.

First night back from a trip – crap hit the fan. I was asleep and vaguely recall my window opening. He came in late into the evening and was frustrated that I had opened it. Wasting electricity keeping him awake from the hum of the A/c and having a window out to the street where anyone could come in and grab me. I hadn’t opened it and when I told him this he became very angry and started yelling. Instantly there was the biggest BOOM I think I had ever heard in my life. Today I could compare it to the sonic boom of the shuttle when landing in Earths orbit again.  We all went flying from my room.
It always seemed things would get bad when my dad was back from  a trip or raising cane about something. When his anger flared he would be targeted by flying objects from kitchen cabinets or zapped by an electric outlet malfunctioning.

Soon my room was a place I couldn’t stay. A figure appeared at night. Half in that place of sleep and awake I would see her sit down. I know she was a she by the way she smelt and felt. She didn’t have that cold dirt smell the purple room did. She smelt warm like sunshine and tulips. Earthy but sweet, she was like a whisper over flowers. Breezy. She liked my grandmothers rocking chair and would stay there most of the night with me. She would move the metal hangers in my closet to let me know she was around. She was the one who would open my window. I had one of those glass bonsai trees my dad had brought back from over seas. It was crushed on my floor one night and startled I awoke to get down and see the damage. Before I could put my feet on the floor (where the glass was) all my drawers tumbled out of my dresser. My mom was back there in a flash. She was just coming into the room when the rocking chair went empty. She put her hand up to tell me to stay on my bed and looked at the corner and said to me.. who was that? But then instantly shook it off telling me not to move because of the glass. As she was picking pieces of tiny fibre glass bonsai out of the shag… she looked at me and said.. I did see her didn’t I ?
Yes you did.
Did she do this?
No the other one did from the purple room.

During my fathers next business trip and after more noises broken items and a full on kitchen attack where ever piece of their wedding china was flung at my dad – my mom had a psychic come out. She would not even come out of the kitchen. She became so ill she ran out the carport and threw up on the Jola Bush. I will never forget my mom hosing off that cactus while she apologized. She told my mom.. we had to move. She told my mom I couldn’t stay around them. I was too sensitive and while maybe not psychic they knew I could feel see and react with them. They could react with me. My mom didn’t even ask her who.. she knew what the lady was saying. Neighbors had already fed their input on the three ladies of the house.
We stayed in the Embassy Suites that night. I loved it. They had a living room kitchen and bedroom area. It was like an apartment with a pool right outside the door, and for the first time I slept in a soft bed with my cat and dog and felt safe. I think it was the first time in a long time my mom did too.
We went to the house to start packing and my mother called the landlord over. In the few months (Jan – April) that we lived there – he had avoided us.
She had called him numerous times to ask about the horrid odor in the master suite and strange bleach mark that covered the whole floor. Finally when she told him she was moving and wanted her deposit or she was suing for damages to her furniture china and belongings he showed up.
Check in hand – he said nothing more than – did you see them too?
I will never forget it. Validation in one small sentence. My mom nodded and said not so much seen but destroying everything we owned. More so when my dad was around.
Mr Hemlie was the son of the lady who owned the home. I think that was his name. There was a beauty school case in one of the closets that I used to put my barbie clothes in. Deb Hemlie is written on it. I still have it. He had told me on our first walk through when I found it was his daughters. His mother died in the master suite our neighbor had told us. She had cancer and was very much in pain and very alone. No one came by to see her. My mom thinks she killed herself due to the large blood stain that was attempted to be bleached. From there – Deb lived in the house. Another neighbor said Deb had been killed in car accident. But yet another neighbor disputed it and said no it was the sister that was in the church. Yet another family member had stayed and died in the home which was actually a member of church and had lived back in the back of the house. My room.

While he never told my mom who or what was possibly there. It was family and he did know who lived and died there. We left and moved clear across town into a neighborhood with NEW construction.
My life has been full of friends that sometimes visit.
Recently while living in Florida I lived in a home that while not old was older and had previous owners. We were testing a new camera against a black back drop and caught pictures of orbs and moving articles.  I at the same time met a great friend who is very into activity and paranormal experiences. She submitted my pics for evaluation to GhostPix and other sites. It was remarked the detail was not a light artifact bug or smear. That for all purposes really appeared to be a moving orb.
But … this orb is different. This orb is always present with me and not attached to that house. I have seen a face appear in my rear view mirror while driving at night that at first almost caused me to go off the road. I have gone into my kitchen a night to see what appears to be a very tall man standing at me sink. As much as shadows can nod.. he does.
When I fell and broke my leg he was in my bedroom every second. Guardian Angel is what I have heard.
It still is somewhat unsettling however when trying to put your make up on for a half a second there is someone there with you. Someone who doesn’t make you feel afraid but is gone so quickly it makes your heart race and you end up poking yourself in the eye !

My person

Knitting with Grey’s and loving the show in just a general warm fuzzy way, I often reflect on Cristina and Meredith.
I remember once upon a time My Person. I was blessed to have her live down the street from me and on several occasions we curled up chatted lived and experienced our lives together.
I guess motherhood and life steps in and its harder to find your person in friendships. There is such a great dynamic between these two characters and while some will chat dysfunction I personally think the writers whom ever they may be are brilliant.
They have explored the deeper dynamics of relationships to a level not always seen in mainstream entertainment. We are messy and cluttered and dysfunctional. We forget lie cheat mess up and mess out. We fall for the wrong person and miss the right one.

In the end though we connect and things happen the way they do for a reason.

I just wish I had stronger internal dialogue and a walking soundtrack to my life would be FAB !!!!

Topic of the week – Fall Swap

Our question this week was once fall hits do we go out and do the events and wonderful functions that make the season.

In times past you couldnt find me home on a fall day. Cider tasting festivals and such I was all about it. My house would be decorated beginning Oct 1.

I dont have much space to decorate or time this year and with having to fly out to train on this new job I wont be here for Halloween. Little bummed but looking forward to next year : )


Skully Socks By Anna Zero - NBH - Pattern Laundry Detergent Painting Craig Paul Nowak

See its already kicked in.
Pixie ran off to the Circus … no really… while she hasnt joined it yet (yet) , she did go on a girls day outing from an invite from a friend up the street. Its the first *alone* big kid day out (neighbors parents are present) since we moved up here. She was absolutely stoked to go, and ok ok its really the Autumn Fair not the circus. We dont do circus stuff due to animal conflict of interest issues.  So I have time to get online, read resource print patterns and craft drool.

Skully Socks – Designed by Anne Kuo Lukito seemed a sweet little treat to work up pre Halloween. I know she labels them as Buccaneer .. but to me they sing in the spirit. I also immediately thought.. hmmm Nay. She is my closest friend – and complete inspiration for living. I love her and coincendality she is a performer in the Clearwater Florida Pirate Show. I will post some flare for her.. when I can pull all my weblinks. Shes a tuff stuff brod hot and well I just cant think of a more perfect present.

Zero Nightmare Before Christmas – Any Burton fan or any big kid young kid or Halloween Ghoul would love to have this pattern ! Designed by Liz its such a great job and I am so impressed proud and completely in love with her for working this up. Good Job Liz.

Laundry Detergent PaintingCraig Paul Nowak – Totally impressed – you have to click the thumbnails to see the bigger picture. He painted these on classroom walls in one display – their there when the lights are on – lights go out blacklights come on – wala!
What a great idea for halloween! As mentioned in several articles you could do the outside of the house  – a spook house etc – and it washes OFF !!! Ok you crafty moms !! How fantastic would that be !!! I know this Chicago artist more than likely didnt expect a bunch of craftsters to pull from his experiment or utilize the idea for Halloween decor – then again perhaps he would enjoy that ! LOL ! Either way his work is lovely and and I ❤ him today for inspiration.