Ok ok We get it your moving…

Sometime back I wrote about  my desire to work on some handmade items – perhaps open a store site or such.

I also wanted to promote my blog  more for communication and tips resources and additions from friends in the crafty zone. Well the last past year i have been paying for a domain and hosting service for other projects I dont use. I have been posting to this blog since about htat time as well. Well the light went off.. why not start a foundation for a future web based biz since your PAYING for it anyway.. yea sometimes it takes hte brilliance a little longer to dawn on me.

That being said = I am going to keep this post up through the end of March when all my swaps end and then update any new swaps sites etc with my new link.

Thing is – I thought happyhooking was a funny play on words and also related to my love of the book. Its why this blog was originally founded. However I have also recently discovered several friends and loved ones cant access questionable links with vocab like that at work or whatever.

Yea yea why would people surf the net at work.. well some people actually do that and work and dont get online at home…so we have to be user friendly right 🙂

Please follow the links until you get used to going to hte new site 🙂

Where did she go?

Knotty Purl

Moving My blog

Knotty Purl


Knotty Purl



You dont understand… I never I mean EVER win anything @! I always tried at the local fairs to guess how many gumdrops were in the jar or goldfish in the tank. NEVER was I right or selected or NOTHING.

I guessed 100 and Tara guessed 94 so shes dead on or its in between the two of us and shes closer.  Not sure but HOW EXCITING!

Feb Projects

Bag – for HSKS partner in the works hoping to finish it this next week

Phiaro Scarf – WIP its going very slowly – but working up well on the beautiful needles Kristi got me

Facecloths – Aunt Betty Aunt Phyllis for Valentines. I am actually attaching a picture of the sisters together. We lost another family member last week. My Uncle Norman. Toodles. He was actually the one that gave Gothlet her nickname Toodlebug. She doesnt remember him. Sad – I would have loved for her to meet him older now so she would have a memory of her family. I am taking her soon to go up and see Aunt B and Phyl. There are only 4 sisters left now includin my mom. Mom is getting very upset about that.

To be a Girl

Presents ?

Originally uploaded by CravnCrochet

Ok so heres a little secret – I love getting things in the mail. Its one reason I participate in swaps. That anticipation of seeing the box.. not knowing whats inside and unraveling all its little mysteries is thrilling to me.
On the flip side. Getting a gift from a guy.. WOOOOOOO

So I have been friends with J for a few years and we catch up where and when we can. He has been following some of my meanderings and knows that I love retro vintage smoutchba and ok well what girl doesnt adore cash.

My favorite product store is Sephora. SO they had this eye kit that has been wooing me for some time. As you can tell it showed up with all my other goodies.

Now ok yes everything tucked in here is awesome but let me explain why.

The book has been a work in progress and I know its something J is very proud of. His instructor wrote it and his photos are on the front so I know its a very bi accomplishment. The CD was handmade and I think this is the sweetest. Hes been trying to learn a Japanese Bamboo Flute and these are his recordings. All in all a very sweet package.

I went out last night and bought yarn and knitting makings with some of my money 🙂

Cocoa Topic of the Week #2

House O Snow

Originally uploaded by CravnCrochet

Now that we’re in the thick of ‘Winter’… has your knitting changed to match the season? Are you moving on from dishcloths, and tank tops to afghans, hats and mittens? Has your yarn changed from silk or cotton to wool, superwash or heavier cottons?

Its been much warmer here in Georgia than around most of the nation. Tonight with snow gently falling outside, its the first time I have felt what seems to be the winter season!
I only wish it had been like this around Xmas 🙂
I do change seasonal projects. I get very attracted to warmer woolens and heavier fibers come the fall season. Last year like this year, I vowed I would make gauntlets gloves and mitts.

Yea no.

SO come summer I am going to have all this glorious silk cashmere wool blends. Perhaps I should knit these things during the summer.
Well see its perfect…
You would want to finish it and get it wrapped up and put away for a fall gift or such so it doesnt sit hot and sticky on your lap…

Hmmmm Brainstorm.. I think I am on to something here.

Psyche your knitting….

Contest… oh yes !

DB sent over a bit of photo goodness this morning. I am a little crabby still. Have a ton to do today because the carpets are getting cleaned on Thrs.
Of course Mom is off playing bingo and pixie although requested several nights to help me has not done so.

The picture helped make me laugh. I needed to laugh.

I think I may host a contest … Hmmmm
Let me investigate this further today.
What do people give away during contests? Yarn notions stitch-markers right?

I have all that.
So what about an unexplainable give away. Explain the picture with 2 paragraphs or less – send it to me and I will post the stories with out name details for everyone to vote on???

I haven’t made any other crafts so yarn and notions would be a nice way to swing into the new year.

See my Contest Page for more details.

So once in a great while I enter a few little keywords into one of the keyword tools I have.
Being that this is what I do for work there are some little gadgets I play with on a regular basis.

Today was Granny Fanny Blue. Sounds like the title to a great jazz song right?

To my delight Sak’s 5th Ave came in on top with this delightful number:
THE SAK designer handbags blue crocheted designer purseYes I know how easy it is to spank out those squares and these totes are really popping up everywhere. This one is way to big for me but as a handbag… its completely doable.

WIPs FOs and the weekend

Everyone slept in this morning and I (like most mornings) was the first up and the first to not fall back asleep. I cleaned a little but couldn’t do heavy lifting because everyone was asleep.
After an hour of little chores, the camera came out to get pics of things I have been working on. I actually have been slamming out projects. I want to clear out some of the yarn I know is never going to be used in some great project.
That ugly yarn that will make really great scarves for teachers 🙂
The only problem.. those 3 weeks of winter we had with blustery weather. Yea all gone now. Spring is here and cold weather is not. So that leaves me in a pickle. Do I still make them to get the yarn gone. If I wait and make them next year.. nahh see I cant do that. I need these scarves and yarn gone so I can buy stuff I actually want to use in something.

SO I started this earthy blanket ( see more pictures Here and Here)

I love the colors together. The white is stiff and icky but the blue and chocolate very soft. The pattern can be found on Lion Brands site, however I believe you have to sign up to get their free patterns. It is shown as a baby blanket – but the colors can easily be changed to use some of your stashed leftovers. It only uses four skeins. The being said if you have more use it because you can make it a very nice sofa throw or lap blanket. This block isn’t even done and its huge there’s several more to make like this! Its going to be a very nice sized blanket.
I am pretty sure I am going to use the pattern to make Gi’s and E’s blankets. I have had their yarn for some time and really need to use it up. This is worked easily and perfectly. So grab your G hook – four skeins of leftovers and print that pattern!
There is also a really great cable of crochet:
Fair Isle
Fair Isle Look Alike Block in Crochet

I’ve won a great deal on EBay to my delight! I am buying only from super uber reputable people. I have some lots I bought and looking forward to getting these off to some of my new swap friends. I just happened upon several groupings and everyone is asking for notions and sock yarns. Mind you however 🙂 Its no guarantee whats going to be in my box.. hehehe

In the News –

Nicole Richie – gives birth to baby girl Harlow
Gary Hilton – totally f*cked and going to burn in hell.
Recession – finally being discussed by economist as a possibility
Polar Bear Baby in Germany – looking for a name and so completely ADORABLE – Have I mentioned How MUCH I love Polar Bears!!!
Shes being dubbed currently as Flocke which loosely translates to Flake .. as in snow…
Maverick Waves Hit – The alert went out yesterday – surfers have 24 hours to get out to compete in up to 40 foot waves. They are the fantasy waves not many can handle but every surfer dreams about.